Monday, October 22, 2012

Clutter or Creative?

A cluttered desk is a sign of genius.
I thought it was a sign of laziness or carelessness until I talked with some artists and writers who confirm that it is definitely a sign of creativeness. Seems we creative types neglect filing our work in fear of forgetting it. Not so much that we wouldn’t know where we put it, although for me, that is a possibility; but we fear forgetting about the project altogether as more ideas squeeze it into hidden brain cells...Read More

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Our Passion

There dwells within each of us a songbird. Listen. He mourns the tragedies of life. His notes proclaim our joys. His song paints a picture. His story begs for an audience. Each time we release him onto canvas or paper, another hatches and springs to life. Many of us recognized him from our youth and have learned to handle him with tenderness, to allow him freedom, and to expect more to follow. He is our passion…our first love…our life.
See you in a twinkling,

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So Do It

"To practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it." ~Kurt Vonnegut.

Many people feel they have no creative ability whatsoever. Yet, we all perform many creative tasks throughout our day. My husband, for example, loves to cook. What he does with crabcakes, grilled chicken, and pasta definitely fall into the creative aspect of life. He even presents his entrees with pizzazz. He is a food artist.

Some people are creative in problem solving. Others flourish in organization. Still others find unique ways to entertain guests.

Not the "creative" arts, you say.


Creativity comes in many packages. Just take a stroll through a craft store. Not everyone likes paints, brushes, and canvases (my personal aisle). Not everyone excels in music or in the performing arts either. But we all have a niche to release our creative flow. God handed us each a cupful of creativity to make our souls grow.

What's your niche? How have you been using it to glorify God?

See you in a twinkling,

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

 No other bird seems to inspire poets and artists alike more than the American Bald Eagle.
He is majestic and powerful. 
Is there any wonder why he symbolizes our faith in God?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Creativity separates humans from all other living organisms.

Yes, all creatures possess a type of creativity. Beavers build dams, but they can't build bridges. Robins sing as they build nests, but they can't compose new songs or design skyscrapers. Spiders weave intricate webs of fine silk-like threads that shimmer in the sun, but they can't knit sundresses.

Only humans possess the ability to create things from their imaginations because God created us to create in His image.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Artists all have their unique way of working, which creates their signature of authenticity. Thus, experts can spot a Rembrandt or Picasso from across the room. Any art form renders itself to this special type of author identity. Think about your favorite musician, your favorite sculptor, your favorite actress, or even your favorite baker. They all have their signature of authenticity. You recognize their work and can’t be easily fooled.

Likewise, does nature not sing of the Master Creator? Does not every blade of grass wear His signature of authenticity? Who, but God, can breathe the breath of life into a microscopic organism, and at the same time, place the stars in the sky in a particular order?

Study nature as you would any other art form, and you’ll soon recognize the Creator’s signature. Even the birds seem to sing quotes of encouragement, declaring reasons to believe.

See you in a twinkling,
Brenda K. Hendricks